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Friday, April 07, 2006

Immigration Fed Up

The Dumbplumber has just about had it with the 24hr carpet bombing on the immigration debate. For purposes of this conversation, I am referring to Hispanic or Latino immigrants, so as not to confuse anyone with the persistent problem of the French or Swiss sneaking into the U.S..
First we must segregate the ‘legal’ immigrants and documented workers here that are playing by the rules. For the most part, the ‘guest’ workers are the foundation of the agriculture industry and most tend to send money back home while working here, then return to Mexico in the off season. If this practice is in any way disturbed, the produce section of your local market will require a ‘rope line’, a security guard and a gold card to enter.

No, what we are talking about are ‘illegal immigrants’ coming across the border ‘illegally’, looking for a better life, at the expense of American taxpayers, who foot the bill for education, health care and incarceration--when the system actually works. So, the 15 billion per year collected in payroll taxes has little impact on the 30 to 40 billion drain on States, supporting their presence. On the other hand, many aliens convicted of felonies and are incarcerated in the Federal System, find the living conditions and 30 cents per hour paid inmates for working, better than they had at home in Guatemala, El Salvador or Honduras, where they were often target practice, for the current regime de jour.

It is a given that many employers in America--mostly in agriculture industry-- would fold were it not for migrant workers, as crops already threatened by imported produce and high U.S. energy costs would soon price themselves out of the market. Unfortunately, the environmental protections imposed on America’s farmers are abandon on imported goods, in the name of free trade.

And in a masterful stroke of international diplomacy, Mexico does what no other country on the planet does, they manipulate the guest worker program ‘into’ the U.S.. Now I don’t want to cast aspersions on a country as ethically challenged as Mexico, but letting the Mexican bureaucracy expedite your guest worker papers is a little like building a bridge in New Jersey without first making a visit to Tony Soprano.

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