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Friday, May 24, 2013

More News You can Use

News You Can Use

We are being told that the economy is improving. Progressives say it’s because Obama’s policies are working. Conservatives know it’s in spite of Obama’s policies.

Capitalism will always find a way around a train-wreck. And this time they are looking to go around a train-wreck, an earthquake, a forest fire, an erupting volcano and a tidal wave, all at the same time.

They tell us the stock market is at an all-time high. Righto, and so is the art world, super yachts and collector cars. They’re the only things left to invest your money in.
We are constantly reminded that man shares 98% of his DNA with chimpanzees. But members of Congress continue to remind us that man also shares 10% of his DNA with turnips.
A recent study reveals that today’s society has a 10% lower IQ than those in Victorian times.

I’ll take that one step further. With today’s technology (Ipads, Iphones, Blackberries, etc) hundreds of millions can access the worlds libraries. While you would think it makes it possible to be the smartest people ever. Unfortunately, with all this access and opportunity we now have some of the dumbest people in history voting.
With all the scandals looming over this Administration, (illegal wiretaps, lying about the murders of 4 Americans in Bengazi, Fast and Furious gun running and the IRS targeting Conservatives for harassment) it make one wonder why ANY private citizen should obey ANY laws, until our leaders begin obeying them.



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