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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Vote or be condemned

Well Pilgrims, it must be close to an election.  The RINOs are all busy telling Conservatives we can’t stay home, we must get out and vote.  Realllllyyyyy!  Perhaps at the same time, why don’t they tell us who to vote for and why, while they’re at it. 

Suddenly, it’s our obligation and duty to vote.  Reallllllyyyyy!   What obligations did these RINO bastards have while the Liberals were running the country into the ground?  What duties did they not perform when they had the chance to perform them?  Who did they NOT choke the loving shit out of when they were sitting next them in Chambers or drinking next to at those lofty cocktail parties? 

I need to stop for a minute and have a straight shot.

These so called “Conservative” websites really piss me off, especially when I can’t respond to the verbal vomit I’m reading.  They make it really, really, really, difficult to register, then condemn a posting.

Maybe these assholes can tell me which candidates will stop the madness and turn this country around.  Or am I to NOT believe that any qualified candidates that offered these remedies are already in the crapper of history.  (Sarah Palin, Gary Johnson, Tom Tancredo, et al.) 

In case these clowns haven’t noticed or cared to self-ignore, anyone, ANYONE who challenges the unsustainable policies and practices that is taking us down the rabbit hole to Socialist Hell is immediately labeled as a nut job from the New York Times to the Republican National Committee.  Then they are condemned when they won’t climb on the rat-infested gut wagon to electoral defeat.

These  self styled patriots forget that when you vote for the Best Loser, you are also responsible for the results.  And being the last Leader into the abyss isn't something I want to identify with.

That is the one of the blessings of this country.  You have the right to vote for the best candidate.  You also have the right to NOT vote for the worst candidates.  And yes, Mitt Romney really looks good right now.  But he only looks good against Barack Obama.  Hell, Hillary looks better than Barack, but I wouldn’t vote for that broom riding Cruella DeVille if she were the only person on the ticket.

If I wanted to do that, I would move to North Korea.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

More fundraising

From the desk of the Dumbplumber

Dear Mr. Fitton:

In response to your recent solicitation for money to fund Judicial Watch, I wish to make a few observations, comments and recommendations.

First, I did not request that you send me either your first letter nor your second.  You gathered my name and address, as has dozens of others, from a donation I sent to support a conservative running against that pompous asshole Mitch Mc Connell of Kentucky.  Thanks to that candidate, a small forest has been sacrificed to yield the paper sent me since.  The postage alone dwarfed my modest contribution.

Second, before I continue, I wish to commend Judicial Watch for their efforts to expose and condemn all those prostituting their positions of power to feather their personal nests, while entrenching themselves in the ‘establishment’ political positions they ran against to get elected, all at the expense of those they pretended to represent.

But having said this, your roster of politicians from Bill and Hillary down to Maxine Waters have either retired in luxury or retained their political offices despite your best efforts.  And in the case of Bill and Hillary continue to influence the electorate, despite their transgressions.

Third, words cannot describe what the current president has done and intends yet to do to this country.  However, throwing tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars at conservative movements, conservative think tanks and corrupt democrat exposés will do little if nothing to bring a halt to our demise.  Remember it was just recently that the voting fraudsters were tried and convicted….from the 2008 elections.  And with only a little over 2 years left on this ’jugged eared’ socialist’s  second term--and with Eric Holder’s corrupt Justice Dept. backstopping his crimes--what exactly are the chances of any meaningful prosecution for what amounts to TREASON and treachery on the part of this Administration?

Fourth, as great as you are at Judicial Watch you are but a thorn in the side of what is the greatest threat to this country in its entire history.  But the sad reality is you are merely aggravating your base, which is me and every other patriot, helpless to do anything to stop the madness.

 Fifth, no Mr. Fitton, as good as you and Judicial Watch are, you are but a steer in a field of bulls, impotent to act without the support of the Criminal Justice system.  You are fighting a war you cannot win, no matter your resources. 

When the majority of the electorate cannot name the three branches of government, cannot name three of the Supreme Court Justices, willfully re-elect candidates who openly act against their best interests and blindly walk into their futures believing our current path is sustainable, we have not just lost the battle, we have lost the war.

No sir, Mr. Fitton, as an amateur political junkie, I know when I am beat.  If there are to be future donations to a cause, it will be to fund bullets for patriots who wish to prosecute those who have violated our Constitution and their Oaths of Office.

Have a good day and take me off your donor list.  Good Luck in your future endeavors.
