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Friday, December 18, 2015

Republican Reps That Voted Yes On Omnibus

The House of Representative RINO caucus.  These traitors should be voted out next year.  No exceptions.  Don't make Trump do all the work.  
Aderholt AL-5 Guthrie KY-2 Poliquin ME-2
Allen GA-12 Hanna NY-22 Price, Tom GA-6
Barr KY-6 Harper MS-3 Reed NY-23
Barton TX-6 Hartzler MO-4 Reichert WA-8
Benishek MI-1 Hensarling TX-5 Renacci OH-16
Bilirakis FL-12 Herrera Beutler WA-3 Ribble WI-8
Bishop (MI) MI-8 Hill AK-2 Rice (SC) SC-7
Bishop (UT) UT-1 Huizenga (MI) MI-2 Rigell VA-2
Bost IL-12 Hurd (TX) TX-23 Rogers (KY) KY-5
Boustany LA-3 Issa CA-49 Rokita IN-4
Brady (TX) TX-8 Jenkins (WV) WV-3 Rooney (FL) FL-17
Brooks (IN) AL-5 Johnson (OH) OH-6 Ros-Lehtinen FL-27
Buchanan FL-16 Jolly FL-13 Roskam IL-6
Bucshon IN-8 Joyce OH-14 Ross FL-15
Burgess TX-26 Katko NY-24 Rouzer NC-7
Calvert CA-42 Kelly (MS) PA-3 Royce CA-39
Carter (GA) GA-1 King (NY) NY-2 Russell OK-5
Carter (TX) TX-31 Kinzinger (IL) IL-16 Ryan (WI) WI-1
Chabot OH-1 Kline MN-2 Scalise LA-1
Chaffetz UT-3 Knight CA-25 Scott, Austin GA-8
Coffman CO-6 LoBiondo NJ-2 Sensenbrenner WI-5
Cole OK-4 Loudermilk GA-11 Sessions TX-32
Collins (GA) GA-9 Love UT-4 Shimkus IL-15
Collins (NY) NY-27 Lucas OK-3 Simpson ID-2
Comstock VA-10 Luetkemeyer MO-3 Smith (NJ) NJ-4
Conaway TX-11 MacArthur NJ-3 Stefanik NY-21
Cook CA-8 Marchant TX-24 Stewart UT-2
Costello (PA) PA-6 McCarthy PA-10 Stivers OH-15
Cramer ND McCaul TX-10 Thompson (PA) PA-5
Crenshaw FL-4 McHenry NC-10 Thornberry TX-13
Culberson TX-7 McMorris Rodgers WA-5 Tiberi OH-12
Curbelo (FL) FL-26 McSally AZ-2 Trott MI-11
Davis, Rodney IL-13 Messer IN-6 Turner OH-10
Denham CA-10 Mica FL-7 Upton MI-6
Dent PA-15 Miller (MI) MI-10 Valadao CA-21
Diaz-Balart FL-25 Moolenaar MI-4 Wagner MO-2
Dold IL-10 Mullin OK-2 Walberg MI-7
Donovan NY-11 Murphy (PA) PA-18 Walden OR-2
Duffy WI-7 Neugebauer TX-19 Walorski IN-2
Ellmers (NC) NC-2 Newhouse WA-4 Walters, Mimi CA-45
Fitzpatrick PA-8 Noem SD Weber (TX) TX-14
Fleischmann TN-3 Nugent FL-11 Wenstrup OH-2
Flores TX-17 Nunes CA-22 Westmoreland GA-3
Foxx NC-5 Olson TX-22 Wilson (SC) SC-2
Frelinghuysen NJ-11 Palazzo MS-4 Womack AR-3
Gibson NY-19 Paulsen MN-3 Woodall GA-7
Granger TX-12 Pearce NM-2 Yoder KS-3
Graves (GA) LA-6 Pittenger NC-9 Young (AK) AK
Graves (MO) MO-6 Pitts PA-16 Zeldin NY-1
Grothman WI-6 Poe (TX) TX-2 Zinke MT

A reminder:  These backstabbing weasels got elected with promises to stop Obamacare, balance the budget, stop illegal immigration and every other conservative policy they could steal.  Make them pay for their deception.  There's no use having a majority when the RINOs are sitting in the seats.  Let them vote for Hillary.

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