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Monday, August 09, 2021

Well Here We Are

 Well, here we are folks.  It's August of 2021 and we are aren't just in a pickle, we are in a pickle in a jar, in a damp basement of the Bates Motel.  Yes, people are looking around and wondering, not just how we got here, but how we got this far this fast and this deep.  

It seems just a short time ago that gas prices were the lowest in 30 years, jobs were scarce as everyone was working and getting ahead.  Interest rates were the lowest since Ricky Nelson was making hit records and the Olsen twins were infants. Oh yeah, those were the days.  Congressmen and women were making crumbs, but not making cake.  The poor were working, the middle class were prospering and the upper class were just keeping score, because once you have enough money, you don't need any more. 

Then Boom, November 3 2021 happened.  The long anticipated realization that our Constitutional Republic was in jeopardy, hit home like a hydrogen bomb.  In the middle of the night all the key counties, in all the key states experienced explosions in their vote counts at about the same time.  Video of the vote counting areas of these states confirmed that a theft of the 2020 election was in progress.  And no one did anything about it but wring their hands and said there would be investigations, audits and a reconciliation of  events that would reinstate the rightful winners.

And here we are eight months into a faux administration, with illegal immigration exploding, our military undermined, our energy sector in shambles, and all we here is that we are all racists, homophobes and bigots and we are protesting the most secure, fair election in our history.  But the Liberals aren't stopping there.  We are selectively being persecuted for not wearing masks depending on our political persuasion, we are selectively being prosecuted for expressing our political beliefs and we are systematically being doxed, deleted and defamed for expressing our Constitutional rights.

Now, I don't want to go out on a limb here, but I don't see any of this having a good outcome.  

I also don't need anyone else telling me, selling me or otherwise soliciting my hard earned money to inform me of what I already know.  I don't need a hat, a banner or a flag in my yard to express how I feel. What I want is one, just one, person to tell me what it is that I or anyone else can do to stop the crippling erosion of our rights and liberties as outlined in our US Constitution.   Now this cannot be hard.  Our rights are spelled out in clear detail in a small booklet you can put in your shirt pocket.  But for some reason the erosion is being called out from on high by folks that took an oath to that same Constitution just a few months ago.  

The powers to be tell us the only solution is to sue for the reinstatement of these rights by draining our meager savings to hire lawyers, to argue before judges who are appointed by the offending parties, then continue to appeal these cases all the way to the Supreme Court, who would not and will not hear bonafide arguments to the original theft of the election that started the landslide in the beginning.

No, folks we are at a crossroads in our society that lawyers cannot argue their way out of.  We have reached the apex of ignorance that no judge is qualified, or has the balls, to adjudicate.  

The U. S. Constitution levied the power to the people of the country, then to the states, then to the federal government, not the other way around.  And until we exert that power, we will continue to be subjects, not citizens of this great country.  


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