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Friday, February 13, 2015

Mayhem and Meanderings

Over the past several months a nagging thought has been in the back of my mind.  This may not be the most articulate, but I have to say it:

Recently, the MSM in general and Democrats in particular have been spouting that Scott Walker is NOT qualified to be president because he did not graduate college. 

No where is it mentioned that 435 law makers and our current administration have brought us to the brink of financial disaster, disdain among the world's leaders, condemnation from our military and outrage among most of our population, and THEY all have college degrees.


You will not find truth in Congress, in the Administration or on the Mainstream Media.  Each and every one is a fraud factory.  But only one makes a professional offender take a 'time out' without pay.


It was recently announced that the Longshoreman's union will be staging a work slowdown over Obama's new tax on Cadillac Healthcare Plans.  It is estimated that each member may have to fork over as much as $40,000 on the extorted health plan. 

Look for another Obama exemption.

I am still trying to figure out why Mercury is a hazardous material, but is an ingredient in vaccines.  If you spill Mercury it requires a Hazmat team to clean it up, but if you don't inject it in your child's bloodstream they can't go to school. Heaven forbid and explanation on the 6 o'clock news.

Maybe it's time for some clarity.

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