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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Battling Evil and Ignorance

I first want to apologize for not responding to last week’s Mt. Echo’s editor and publisher. Mostly because I knew I was going to just be repeating myself this week and secondly because I was hoping for the inevitable train wreck that is brewing between LAFCO director Amy Mickelson (or whatever she is calling herself this week), and CSD Legal counsel Mark Atlas.

You see, I have to take about one millisecond and figure out who I am to believe; a Bar Card carrying legal scholar with much experience in Community Service and Special districts or a job hopping, serial prevaricator of facts, fabricator of rules and promoter of friction, all designed to thwart, delay and deny CSD’ and Special Districts everywhere of their severely past due Reviews and Reports.

And to make things worse for the Fall River Mills Community Services District, Ms. Mickelson has teamed up with the Mt. Echo’s (private axe-grinder for publisher and editor) Walt Caldwell, whose masthead should read: “The Mountain Echo: All the Bias, Rumors and Innuendo Unfit for Print“. And it doesn’t begin to reflect Caldwell’s inability to compose an accurate headline.

For instance in last week’s Echo, the headline said, “CSD deciding not to cooperate?” When it would have been more accurate to say, “CSD Tired of Getting Hosed.” And then this week, Caldwell continues to play the part of Mickelson’s butt boy with, “CSD gives attorney okay to fight Shasta LAFCO”, when it should have read, “CSD Hires Attorney to Force LAFCO Do its Job”. It really makes that “….sin by silence” thingy over his Editorial page just scream in agony. Because every time he makes one of his moronic statements it’s like fingernails on the blackboard, at the back of your eyeballs.

Nevermind that the entrails of his reporting is a series of incoherent ramblings, disguised as an interview with Ms. Mickelson on the substance of HER view of things. I was particularly amused when Mickelson claimed that she was ever sensitive not to violate the Brown Act, when that was exactly what she was doing last spring, when she showed up at a special meeting, unannounced, and demanded time for a presentation, which, without being on the agenda, was a clear violation of that Act. Still waiting for a response from Caldwell on that comment. ………………Crickets!

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