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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Demented Robin of Spring

Don’t we all have our favorite memories of the arrival of Spring? The first shoots of daffodils, the final disappearance of piles of dirty snow, small buds appearing on lilac trees, oh, and the return of the demented robin. Yes, you read it right. For the last three years our household has been visited, patrolled and haunted by what can only be described as the maniacal, winged, seed of Chuckie.

Two years ago, we began noticing the rascal robin, as he (we think it is a he) began circling our house and peering in windows, apparently looking for our cat. Perhaps we are getting at the source of the scorn.

You see our cat isn’t exactly picky as to her banquet bundles. She has been known to drag home the typical mouse or vole, but she has also been spotted with small squirrels, observed blowing quail feathers from her jowls and seen throwing guilty backwards glances when running away from the fresh pickings of a recently fallen nest. Dare I speculate a robin’s nest, but hard to say when the occupants are (or were) just bald blobs with beaks Just sayin’.

Perhaps this is evolutionary evidence that robins have very long memories and very little patience for famished felines. But returning every year, from far flung winter havens to perch outside the same windows is just creepy. Of course we have no idea how long the furious featherhead has been back, but it is painfully obvious, he, she, it is looking to settle some old scores, due to the fact that it often flings itself against our office window, not once or twice, but several times. Now that is beyond creepy.

Meanwhile the cat goes about her daily routine, barely noticing from within, what awaits her on the outside. Eventually, she will seek refuge under an eve, a bush or one of our cars to await a gap in the ongoing perimeter patrol, to claw at window sills or door mats demanding entrance to safe harbor.

No, kitty calendars neglected to mention that returning robins is an annual event. And not unlike our Halloween, this return has moments of outright evolutionary evil, that at least one freaked out feline is about to discover is the unintended consequences of spontaneous nest diving.

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